The lives of sugar workers have not improved

Dear Editor,
The GAWU could not miss Mr Earl John’s letter appearing in the October 17 section of the media titled: “Loud silence on plans for the former sugar workers”. Indeed, we felt the title was most appropriate considering, it seems, the powers-that-be have all but forgotten about the some 7000 workers they put on the breadline following their decision to shutter sugar estates.
Mr John begins his missive by recognising GAWU’s presence on the corporation’s Board of Directors. Our Union, for some time now, as he is no doubt aware, has been invited to name a nominee to sit on the Board. We have grasped that opportunity as, we contend, we should not fail to use every opportunity and platform to advocate on behalf of our members. We should add, on that note, that though having a representative on the Board, the plans to minimise the industry were not discussed in the representative’s presence, though he was a Board member at the time. It seemed to indicate that the corporation’s Board was not really privy to the plans to minimise the industry and gave rise to suspicion as to who was really giving direction. This fact of notoriety we drew to the Government’s attention at the inaugural meeting held on December 31, 2016 to discuss the future of the sugar industry. Mr John may recall our concern as he was present at that December 2016 meeting.
At the meeting held at Enmore in December, 2017, our Union along with Mr John, who represented GuySuCo, among others, listened carefully and attentively to what NICIL-SPU had to say regarding its plans for the estates identified for divestment. We agreed, at that time, there was much optimism from the NICIL-SPU and the workers who stood to be affected were hopeful those plans would have become a reality. Of course, now nearly 2 years down the road, those plans have all but evaporated and been replaced with suffering, misery and hardship for thousands in the affected communities.
In furthering his concern, Mr John drew attention to a study that was conducted regarding transitioning sugar workers into farmers. The study which, was done by consultants contracted by the European Union (EU), was tasked to prepare a roadmap, as we understand, to pursue the transition. Of course, as we recollect, the GuySuCo did not want the consultants engaging our Union. In fact, it was only after a stern foot was put down that the consultants were eventually allowed to meet with the Union.
During that engagement, we did share with the consultants some of the concerns we had and some of the matters we believed required attention for the transition to be successful. Following our meeting, we never heard from the consultants or what finally they recommended. This apparently is a State secret. The transition of displaced workers into farmers were also expressed by Government officials and during an engagement with President David Granger in January 2018 we did share our views on the matter.
It was, therefore, for us, a surprise to learn that GuySuCo Managers were actually trained to facilitate the programme. We wonder how many workers were trained, since as far as we know the Alternative Livelihood Programme developed by the Corporation also was not as impactful as may have been envisaged. That programme, we understand, trained a small number of the displaced workers.
Nevertheless, the situation for the workers and their families has not improved. Their remains a dearth of opportunities whether for entrepreneurship or jobs. The talk about taking care and assisting the workers has all died down. And, as Mr John puts it there is a loud silence.

Yours faithfully,
Seepaul Narine
General Secretary

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